2023 Summer Session 1 Classes + Camps
Our 4-week Summer session 1 will begin Monday, June 5th. We are excited to offer SIX 1-week camps throughout the summer months, with the first one starting on Monday, June 5th.
View the 2023 Summer session 1 schedule (this includes Summer Camps!), click “Register” to the left of the desired class and then take one of the following actions:
- If this is your first time logging in to our new Parent Portal (Jackrabbit) you will fill out all information on the “Registration” page and create a new account; then you can continue with Summer 1 registration
- If you have already created an account in our new Parent Portal (Jackrabbit), you can click on the “Already a customer? Click here to login.” link below the Manyet Dance logo and proceed with Summer 1 registration