Dance Troupes

Important Files for the 2024- 2025 Dance Year

last update on 1.28.25



The Manyet Dance Troupes were started over 20 years ago to offer extra classes for those students who wished to get a little more involved in dance than their one class per week allowed. Interested dancers are required to audition for the Dance Troupes at the beginning of the dance year. During tryouts the dancers are judged on their ability to learn quickly, execution of steps, and showmanship. Enthusiasm is a must!

Over the years, these chosen Dance Troupes have performed original routines in our annual recitals which have proven to be a highlight in our show. They have also performed at Summer Fair, Kids’ Fest, Shriners’ Burns Institute, Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, Optimists’ Regional Dinner Banquet, Cincinnati Reds Opening Day Parade, Bellevue-Dayton Memorial Day Parade, Fort Thomas Fourth of July Parade, the American Heart Association Dance for Heart at the Florence Mall, Newport on the Levee, Camp Ernst Family Festival, high school talent shows, and basketball games. These dancers have also brought much joy to our area’s senior citizens with their talents, not only for their own enjoyment but for others.

The Junior, Senior, Elite, and Hip Hop Troupes compete twice a year. The Manyet Minis and Powder Puff Dance Troupes compete once a year. Every other year, the Senior and Elite Troupes are invited to compete nationally in the summer. All of these Troupes have won many awards, some including platinum trophies and extra awards for their abilities and enthusiasm. The Senior and Elite Troupes have also won high score awards at the national level.

Each Troupe also participates in other volunteer/community-based events throughout the dance season, as well as local parades well as local parades for 4th of July and the Alexandria Fair.

Not only do the groups build close friendships and self-esteem, but the dancers also learn that dedication, responsibility, time management, and hard work can bring many rewards and personal satisfaction. The members of our Dance Troupes bring much pride to the studio for their talent and commitment.

Troupe Classes

Class times for troupes are IN ADDITION TO your dancers’ regular class times each week. The extra class
typically starts in early October. These classes do require an additional tuition fee per session. Attendance for troupe is very strict. Additional guidelines can be reviewed in the troupe contract. In addition to troupe
class(es), members may be required to attend extra practices for competitions, parades, special events, etc.

Troupes are separated as follows:

  • Elite Dance Troupe (ages 14+)
  • Senior Dance Troupe (ages 12+)
  • Junior Dance Troupe (ages 10-13)
  • Powder Puff Dance Troupe (ages 8-10)
  • Manyet Minis Dance Troupe (ages 6-8)
  • Hip Hop Dance Troupe (ages 13+)
  • Jr Hip Hop Dance Troupe (ages 9-13)
  • Show Troupe (ages 7-13)**This non-competitive troupe is a great chance for dancers to perform at extra events and be involved in the community. The troupe will not compete but will be part of the Dance Troupe Christmas shows and other local events, as well as have an extra dance in the recitals. Dancers will experience lyrical, tap, jazz, and musical theater pieces



Auditions typically take place the last week of September. The following items are required to audition
for a dance troupe:

  • Must have participated in a Summer Intensive for all troupes, with exception of Hip Hop and Minis
  • Must be enrolled in a BTT or BTJ Combo class or if on Hip Hop troupe, a hip hop class
  • Every person auditioning must bring their audition fee and signed troupe contract/audition form.
    • Audition fees are $15 for JDT, SDT, EDT and $10 for Minis, Powder Puff, and Hip Hop
    • Fees must be paid via cash or check on the day of the audition